The ACE Mentor Program is made up of affiliates that serve students according to region or city. Each affiliate is made up of a team that includes an owner firm, an architectural and design firm, engineering firms, a construction manager, subcontractors, and skilled workers. This team is matched with students. Mentors at the lead firm will then be responsible for getting everyone together for meetings and activities.
Teams meet after school for a total of 30 to 40 hours per school year. The pros work with the students to show them not only the work required on a building but also how each team member would contribute to the project. During the season, there are many events that take place. Registration events, college night, and special speaker presentations are just a few. Field trips to jobsites and mentors' offices enable the students to get hands-on experiences with what it's like to work in the field and work as part of a team.
There are many benefits for a company that decides to participate in this program:
- It enhances your company image.
- It provides an opportunity for networking.
- It informs your firm of talented and motivated part-time help and up-and-coming employees for the future.
- It will help young people with their presentations and communication skills.
- It will give your business the opportunity to give back to the community by helping to educate the future business leaders of tomorrow.
Because of the huge demand for skilled laborers and professionals to find out about the job opportunities that are available in the construction industry, Mullender hopes to have 100,000 students in the program over the next five years. ACE's mentors have already worked with 30,500 high school students and have awarded $6.6 million in scholarships. In order to reach its goals, the program will focus on incorporating more firms into the program, as well as more students.