In fact computer architecture is nothing but some one who creates or designs fundamentals of operational structures. Learn every thing related to computer designing and the method of basic designs; it is also better to learn BIOS programs. It is better to learn about the computer architecture program before entering in to this field. Don't forget to give some more of your time to learn micro processors. Get started with some basic knowledge to start gathering some of the formal education in the related field. It is not necessary that any company can hire you to their company because you have completed many computer languages and are having good computer skills.
The best thing is to get enrolled your self in to the field of computer architecture by learning about these courses and get some more training and attend a computer work shop and more tutorials. You can search such related topics on Internet which can provide you the list of upcoming events and tell you about the companies which are hosting the work shops. Some of the work shops are free of cost and others could also be completed online. Another use of searching online can make you learn more about the computer architecture work shops and tutorials. These make you meet more people and may be they will be interested in you for hiring you and hire you for their company. Try to get employed in the job related to this field either for part time or for full time. This will help you to deal with computer on daily basis.