Internet protocol architect works with many technologies of telecommunications and with various layers of computers. In order to become an Internet protocol architect you need to know all about computer engineering and a strong background in electronics.
You have to complete your four year engineering degree to settle in this career it is better if you complete your degree with MIS that is Management Information System as your major subject. To became an Internet protocol architect you need to learn the back ground of this Management Information System. By taking classes in the Management Information System theory learn about the data base programming. This is the only way which teaches you on how to compile a data and also you can learn about the across routed in the same types of networks the Internet protocol will deal with every one in its daily routine.
Additional Qualifications
Take the courses which are focusing on technology of VoIP that is voice over Internet protocol to round out your education. Move over to the courses of elective in topics of advanced telecommunications you can also go for the classes those were focusing them selves on architecture of Information technology such as object technologies. The course on object technology will teach you how to design software by using program as an object without taking it as a process. There are many more differentiated classes of courses in frame work of distributing computing. This is the method of processing the segment of computer and a wire less infrastructure. These classes will help you to earn on how the WAN wide area network and the LAN land area network works for creating the architecture of information. There are many more good options for settling your life in the career of Internet protocol Network Architect.