First you have to find the school which caters to architectural design. At this type of school you will get the best education that gears you towards the career in this field. There are many such schools that provide you the best education in this and the related fields. Having good education of architecture design, will give you the way of finding jobs easily in this field. For select one of the many architecture schools you have to take a look on this web site
At architecture firm or any designer firm try to find jobs in related field or can also start with an internship. You will gather more ideas about architecture if you are surrounded in between the persons whoever is there related to this field. This process will give you great contacts and many references with much knowledge related to this field. When you start hunting for jobs, create a resume which caters you to the position which you want to work in. Until you get your license you have to work as an assistant with related people in this field. Have an exam of licensing architecture which can be held by your state. This is a timed exam which varies from state to state. You should have to prepare for these exams using your education and your work experience.